Bread Baking: Homemade Calzones

 This is a recipe I thought I had invented and called pizza pockets. And then I discovered that they already existed and were called calzones. So, fail on that point, but they still taste amazing and I would love to share with you my own version.

Homemade Calzones:
4-5 cups (500-625g) flour
2 1/4 cups (500mL) milk
1 tbsp yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp butter
1 can (400mL) pizza or tomato based pasta sauce
grated mozzarella cheese
pizza herbs (Italian herbs: basil, oregano, thyme)

Heat the milk, sugar, salt and butter in the microwave until the milk is warm, but not hot and the butter is beginning to melt. 

Add the yeast to the flour and add it to the milk mixture a little at a time, stirring to combine until you can't anymore and then knead the rest of the flour in until the dough reaches bread dough consistency. It should be soft, but not sticky. 

Cover and allow to rise for an hour. Punch down the dough, knead briefly and pull off fist-sized pieces of dough. Roll them out. 

Add a tablespoon of sauce to the middle of the dough, 

sprinkle some cheese on it and sprinkle some pizza herbs on top. 

Fold over the dough and pinch at the edges to close. 

Place them on a lined baking sheet. 

When the sheet is full, sprinkle more cheese and herbs on top and bake at 350°F or 180°C for about 20 minutes, or the edges are golden brown. 

This recipe makes 18-24 calzones depending on the size you make them. They also freeze beautifully, if it's too much for you to eat in one sitting.

Watch us make this delicious recipe on our YouTube channel here:
Schaut zu wie wir dieses leckere Rezept auf unserem YouTube Kanal machen hier:


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