
Showing posts from October, 2022

Fall Horse Cake

 This time, I'm decorating a sheet cake to look like a horse with fall leaves. I started out frosting a sheet cake with vegan American buttercream. I also printed out a picture of a horse and cut it out. Then I rolled out some brown fondant. And cut out the shape of the horse out of brown. I laid it on the sheet cake and wrapped a brown rope around two sides. Then I rolled out some red fondant and used some leaf cutters to make these leaves. I also made some out of orange and yellow and placed them around the cake. Then I cut out some gray circles. I cut a smaller circle out of the middle to make rings. I cut a piece out of the ring and use a round piping tip to press in nail marks in the horseshoes. And I placed the horseshoes facing up all around the sides of the cake. And I painted ivory and brown food coloring to make some shading on the horse. I love how cute this horse turned out. I think it turned out lovely and rustic. Perfect for the horse-lover. Watch us make this rustic

Bread Baking: Pita Bread

 This recipe is another pan bread that does not require an oven. Pita Bread: 4 cups (500g) flour 1 1/2 cups (350mL) warm water 1 tbsp yeast 1 tsp salt 1 tsp sugar Mix water, yeast and sugar to active the yeast.  Mix salt and flour together in a large mixing bowl. Stir in yeast mixture until you can't anymore. Then knead the dough several minutes.  Cover and allow to rise about an hour.  Knead briefly. Split into 6 pieces and allow to rest 15 minutes.  Roll into circles and press fingers or poke with a fork. Heat non-stick frying pan with just a couple drops of oil over medium heat. Place dough into the pan.  Allow to bake for 3 minutes on each side. Watch us make this simple pan bread on our YouTube channel here: Schaut zu wie wir dieses einfache Pfannenbrot auf unserem YouTube Kanal machen hier:

Halloween Steampunk Cake

 I love making Steampunk cakes. I try to make one every year. This year, I'm combining Steampunk with Halloween. I started out by stacking two 6-inch cake dummies on top of each other and frosted it with vegan American buttercream. Then I covered the top of the cake with some black fondant. I made some black ruffles by rolling out a strip of black fondant and using a pointed sculpting tool to make the ruffles. Then I placed it around the bottom of the cake. And I added rectangles of black fondant pinched into swags along the side of the cake. I overlapped them to make sure the edge of the ruffles were covered. Then I made another strip of black ruffles and covered the top of the swags. And I made another one pointed up and turned out. Then I rolled out a strip of purple fondant and used a fondant press form to add some texture to it. Loving this look. I placed the purple ribbon between the black ruffles. And I made a couple purple roses. And I added a few rose petals. Then I used a