My new favorite Swiss meringue buttercream recipe

As I've mentioned in a couple different blogs now, I've recently started making Swiss meringue buttercream. Let me just vent some frosting woes. I've always made American style buttercream. The first time I made it, I thought I must have done something wrong because I hated the taste. Hated. I gifted the cake I frosted with it and those I gave it to loved it. Were excited. Enthusiastic. And I thought, well, maybe I didn't mess it up after all. Over time I've gotten used to using it, but I still scrape off the frosting before I eat the cake. I just don't care for it. It tastes like powdered sugar and not much else. It was time for a new standard frosting. Yolanda Gampp from How to Cake It only uses Italian meringue buttercream. I almost decided to try it. But I'm missing two major elements needed for Italian meringue buttercream: a candy thermometer and a stand mixer. I hope I'll get a stand mixer some day, but until I can afford it, I'm stuck ...