My new favorite Swiss meringue buttercream recipe

As I've mentioned in a couple different blogs now, I've recently started making Swiss meringue buttercream.
Let me just vent some frosting woes. I've always made American style buttercream. The first time I made it, I thought I must have done something wrong because I hated the taste. Hated. I gifted the cake I frosted with it and those I gave it to loved it. Were excited. Enthusiastic. And I thought, well, maybe I didn't mess it up after all.
Over time I've gotten used to using it, but I still scrape off the frosting before I eat the cake. I just don't care for it. It tastes like powdered sugar and not much else.
It was time for a new standard frosting. Yolanda Gampp from How to Cake It only uses Italian meringue buttercream. I almost decided to try it. But I'm missing two major elements needed for Italian meringue buttercream: a candy thermometer and a stand mixer. I hope I'll get a stand mixer some day, but until I can afford it, I'm stuck with my loyal, overworked hand mixer. But I heard that Swiss meringue buttercream was easier to make and I decided to try it.
I used the recipe from Natasha's Kitchen blog the second time which turned out the best.
Swiss meringue buttercream
7 egg whites
2 cups sugar
1.5 cups soft butter
2 tsp vanilla
Pinch of salt
The procedure is as follows. Mix up your egg whites and sugar over a double boiler until the sugar is fully incorporated and the mixture is hot to the touch. 

Remove from heat and beat with your mixer on high until eggs reach soft peaks and mix is room temperature. Around 10 minutes.

Then add butter a tablespoon at a time until fully incorporated. 

The mix may look a bit runny at this point. 

If that's the case (as it was for me), just keep beating it until it starts to thicken. Maybe another 5-6 minutes. It will eventually come together. Add flavorings at the end.

This frosting, while sweet, is nothing near as sweet as American buttercream. It's smooth and creamy and tastes vaguely like marshmallows. It also sets up beautifully and doesn't form a crust. It's basically my favorite now and I'm learning that it's possible to enjoy eating frosting.

Now, if you find yourself having problems with your Swiss Meringue Buttercream, here is a fantastic troubleshooting guide.


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