Fourth of July American Flag Cake

My profile picture for American Baker in Germany is a slice of an American flag cake that I made several years ago. I love this photo and I chose it to represent American Baker in Germany because what says American Baker more than a piece of American flag cake? But let's be honest. It was a snapshot taken with a mobile phone on a paper plate. There are better quality photos. Plus, I had never made a video making this cake before. It was time to remake the cake. I started out by baking some vanilla cake. I needed three layers of red cake, one thick layer of blue and two layers of white cake. Then I took a circle cutter about half the size of the layers and cut out the centers of the blue cake, and one layer of red and white. Then I started out by stacking it with one layer of red cake, one layer of white cake. Then another layer of red and the ring of blue cake. Inside the blue cake, I place the small circle of white cake. Then fr...