Recipe: Strawberry Buttercream

American buttercream is really easy to alter. All you have to do is make a few small changes. That's what we did to make it strawberry buttercream. It's really easy. Here's how I do it.

Strawberry Buttercream
1 cup (250g) butter
1000g (around 8 cups) powdered sugar
1/2-1 cup (125-250g) strawberry jam

 Cream butter until creamy.
 Add 1/4 of the powdered sugar.
 Add a couple tablespoons of strawberry jam until the mixture becomes more of a buttercream consistency.
 Add another 1/4 of the powdered sugar and another few tablespoons of strawberry jam.
 Add the next 1/4 of powdered sugar.
 Add more strawberry jam as needed.
 Add the last of the powdered sugar.
 Add strawberry jam as needed to get the consistency you want. The amount of jam you use may vary quite a bit. You may need more or less depending on the consistency of your butter and the consistency of the buttercream that you want.
 But look how lovely that looks. And it smells just like strawberry jam.

How gorgeous is this?
Watch us make it on our YouTube channel here:
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