Baking Basics: How to Thaw Swiss Meringue Buttercream

This tutorial may seem like a strange one. No brainer, right? Take the frozen Swiss Meringue Buttercream out of the freezer and allow it to come to room temperature, right?
Well, anyone that has tried that, will know that the consistency is ridiculous if you do this. Crumbly, separated, runny, are all words used to describe it. So, wait, how do you thaw Swiss Meringue Buttercream?

Let me explain. The protein in the egg whites build a lovely fluffy texture in Swiss Meringue Buttercream. But once this has been frozen, the texture breaks down and must be re-formed.

So, now that our egg whites have let go of the air, our thawed Swiss Meringue Buttercream is runny, separated and can even appear crumbly.

Once it has come to room temperature, we need to beat it to get the texture back and make it spreadable again. And I'm not talking about 30 seconds to cream butter. I'm talking about 5-10 minutes of swift beating with an electric mixer on high. It will feel just as magical when it finally comes together as it did when you made the buttercream in the first place. One moment it will be ridiculously runny and unusable and the next it will come together and turn soft and spreadable again.

 However, even without whipping, this buttercream is still absolutely delicious.
 My two-year-old loves buttercream in any form...

Watch us whip up thawed Swiss Meringue Buttercream on our YouTube channel here:
Schaut zu wie wir unsere aufgetaute Schweizer Buttercreme aufschlage auf unserem YouTube Kanal hier:


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