Bread Baking: Baking Soda Bread

This recipe is similar to my Baking Powder Bread with a bit of a different flavor and consistency going on, but it still doesn't call for yeast.

Baking Soda Bread:
4 cups (500g) flour
2 cups (450mL) buttermilk
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
Add all the ingredients to a bowl.
Combine with a spoon or spatula until it forms a sticky dough.
Pour into a bread form.
Bake for 5-10 minutes before making a long cut across the top, if desired. Bake at 400°F or 200°C for 30-45 minutes or until tapping on the crust creates a hollow sound.
 Immediately butter the top of the bread and allow to cool before removing from the pan.
 This is a nice, neutral-tasting bread you can use to make sandwiches or just eat by itself.
 It's super easy and is a nice alternative to the baking powder bread.
 Happy Baking!

 Watch us make this recipe on YouTube here:
Schaut zu wie wir dieses Rezept auf YouTube machen hier:


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