Chocolate Pecan Cake

 This is a cake my 9-year-old daughter helped with that we made from some leftovers from other projects.

I started out with a 4-inch vanilla cake and filled it with milk chocolate buttercream.

Then we added some walnuts.
We dolloped it with buttercream and added the next layer.
And frosted the cake.
Then I filled a piping bag with buttercream with a star tip.
And Sabrina tried her hand at piping. I showed her how to make a rope border along the top edge.
And a shell border along the bottom edge.
Then we covered the cake with pecans wherever we wanted to.
Sabrina said it looked like the pecans were having a meeting.

Watch us make this easy cake on our YouTube channel here:
Schaut zu wie wir diese einfache Torte auf unserem YouTube Kanal machen hier:


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