Recipe: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

 I've decided to start a new series on easy alterations of either vanilla or chocolate ice cream. One of our favorites? Mint chocolate chip. Let's start there.

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream:
1 L (4 1/2 cups) vanilla ice cream
1 1/2 cup (200g) chocolate chips
1 tsp mint flavoring
turquoise food coloring (optional)

Begin by allowing the ice cream to sit out long enough to get soft. I will emphasize you want soft ice cream, not runny. Either an hour at room temperature or 1 minute in the microwave. 

Stir in the mint flavoring and turquoise food coloring until well combined. 

Fold in the chocolate chips. 

Pour back into the container the ice cream came in. 

Return to freezer. Freeze about 2 hours. Then stir to make sure the chocolate chips haven't all sunk to the bottom. 

Then allow to freeze completely. At least 4 hours.

This tastes very similar to mint chocolate chip ice cream and the vanilla really doesn't come through.

Watch us make this easy recipe on our YouTube channel here:
Schaut zu wie wir dieses leichte Rezept auf unserem YouTube Kanal machen hier:


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