Recipe: Rocky Road Ice Cream

 This is my version of rocky road ice cream.

Rocky Road Ice Cream:
4 1/2 cups (1 L) chocolate ice cream
1 cup (140g) whole almonds
1 cup (60g) mini marshmallows
1 cup (200g) chocolate covered peanuts (optional)

I have to comment about the chocolate covered peanuts. I remember them being in rocky road ice cream, but in researching it I found out that they are not classic to the recipe, so evidently it was just the brand that I had as a child. I will include them just because I remember them in it. But you can completely leave them out for a more classic recipe.

Allow ice cream to sit at room temperature for 1 hour or microwave it for 1 minute. Stir until ice cream is soft, but not runny. 

Stir in almonds, marshmallows and chocolate covered peanuts. 

Freeze for two hours. Stir to make sure all the ingredients haven't sunk to the bottom. 

Freeze for at least 4 hours over overnight is better.

Watch us make this simply delicious recipe on our YouTube channel here:
Schaut zu wie wir dieses einfache leckere Rezept auf unserem YouTube Kanal machen hier:


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