Recipe: Vegan Applesauce Cookies

 The background of this recipe is that I wanted to make cookies for my colleagues and one of them is vegan. So, I decided to try these amazing vegan applesauce cookies. You can, of course, use real butter if the vegan aspect isn't important to you.

Vegan Applesauce Cookies:
2 1/4 cups (275g) flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp cloves
1/2 cup (125g) dairy-free margarine
1 cup (200g) brown sugar
1 cup (250g) applesauce
1 cup (200g) raisins
1 cup (125g) chopped walnuts (optional)

Cream the margarine.

Cream with brown sugar.
Add applesauce.
Add dry ingredients.
Fold in the raisins and nuts.

Spoon onto a lined cookie sheet.
Bake at 350°F or 180°C for 8-10 minutes.
These cookies are soft and full of flavor.

Watch us make these delicious cookies on our YouTube channel here:
Schaut zu wie wir diese leckere Kekse auf YouTube machen hier:


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