Bread Baking: Baguettes

 This is a simple version of the classic French bread recipe.

4 cups (500g) flour
1 1/2 cups (375mL) warm water
2 tsp salt
1 tbsp dry yeast
1 tbsp honey

Combine flour and salt. In a separate bowl, activate yeast by combining yeast, warm water and honey. 

Stir yeast mixture with flour mixture until you can't anymore. Knead dough together until soft but not sticky. 

Allow to rise 3 times, kneading once an hour. 

Form into baguette shapes. Cover and allow to rise half an hour. 

Score with a knife. 

 Bake in preheated oven at 450°F or 230°C for 20 minutes with a dish of water in the oven. Remove the water halfway through.

These baguettes are light and fluffy inside.
And crispy crusty on the outside.
Bon appetit!

Watch us make this fluffy bread on our YouTube channel here:
Schaut zu wie wir dieses fluffige Brot auf unserem YouTube Kanal machen hier:


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