Catch up on past projects

So, doing a separate post for every cake I've made in the past 6 months or so is a touch impractical, so here's a very fast overview. Let's go chronologically. This was my first ever comission. It's chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream made for my friend's daughter's princess themed birthday party. The princess figurines were added afterwards, borrowed from another friend, but really adds life to what would otherwise be a fairly simple pink cake. This one I spent months thinking about. It was for my daughter's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday party. This one was for the party with all her friends. She got to place the figurines. And, when your child has a birthday, don't forget to make cupcakes to share with her friends in Kindergarten. The two without ears were for a child with food allergies. This was the second birthday cake for my daughter's fourth birthday. For the more adult-oriented family party, yet still Mickey Mouse Club...